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Holiday Camp a Great Success

Writer: UJCCNewsTeamUJCCNewsTeam

The 3-days camp was great fun and enjoyed by all.

There where lots of interesting lessons taughtby some of our coaches, including Gregory, Ron, Dhairye, Pavan, Karanvir and Roger Lancaster from Watford Juniors.

Tuesday (Rapid)

With 24 juniors attending we started each morning with puzzles and set a target to reach 40.

Treats given to the young geniuses if target was reached. This was a collective/group challenge with everyone getting a chance to solve the puzzles & the majority to agree with the idea (by raising their hands).

They done extremely well in achieving 40 solved with zero wrong.

After lessons (30 minutes x2) lunch we came back for 3 rounds of 15 minute graded Rapid matches.

Wednesday (Simul)

We started with puzzles, lessons before moving on to the Simul. The juniors had 45 minutes Vs coaches 1 hour and 15 minutes.

To make this a fair challenge the coaches were walking around the board each taking turns, to see if our brains were in sync or if they were all playing completely different strategies.

Taking part this day were coaches Daniel, Roger, Colin, Ron against 31 juniors.

Congratulations on Varish winning and to Pavan, Shawn, Leo, David for Drawing.

Best effort prize going to Tiger who played excellently all the way through to winning end game only to lose.

A percentage of entry fee went towards Prize money off £200 which was shared out among the juniors who achieved results. It was a fun, tough day with lots of time trouble scrambles.....

Thursday (Blitz competition)

We attempted to get to 50 puzzles with no mistakes and reached a new junior record of 45.

After lunch we started the graded Blitz competition (5 minutes) with 25 Juniors competing.

Well done (photos underneath)

1st Place Tiger

2nd Vedansh

3rd Victor

Top U10 boy was won by Risheen

Top U10 girl was won by Medha



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