Well done all 24 Uxbridge Juniors who travelled to Watford Juniors to play Rapid Team match,
Led by Coach Roger we knew would be a tough challenge, with there top 8 boards out grading us but UJCC have a lot of strength in depth.
Some very interesting pair ups and interesting matches played by quality chess players....
Final Score Uxb 25 - Watford 20
Round 1. Uxb 17 Vs Wat 7
Round 2. Uxb 11 Vs Watford 13 (3 def not counted)

Uxbridge team players, Led by our B1. Mathieu, Pavan, Gautum, Hridik, Devansh, Hemesh, Roy, Harry, Pranav, Oscar, Alex, Tiger, Prabghun, Harkirat (holding Shield trophy), Ritvik, Kavish, Ibrahim, Mithul, Daniel, Jordi, Manik, Japnjot, Ruddhav, Akshath.......

Next week will be bringing a team of 30 juniors to play another local rival team, Harrow Juniors.....
Some photos from the matches played
Watford play in a lovely spacious venue and always nice to come to play our friendly rivals
